Monday, April 19, 2010

Grandparents Visit

On Friday the girls' grandparents from Sedona came to visit for the weekend. They came at a perfect time...temps in the 70's!! The blossoms are blooming...I just love it!

Piper with Grandma.
All the week the girls have been wanting to go to the Farm. We made the mistake of telling them they could go when their grandparents came into we had to hear them asking again and again, "Is it today?! Can we go to the Farm today?!". For the hundredth time, "NOT YET!!". So when the day finally came they were beyond excited! I stayed home and enjoyed a very relaxing afternoon...just Piper and me.

Ever since we've been having some warmer weather the girls have been wanting to swim in their little pool. To me, they are crazy!! It's warm, but not that the water is like ice!! But, they insisted, so Ryan set it up Sunday. So here they are enjoying a swim with the snow capped mountains in the background...brrrrrr!!

1 comment:

  1. this is adorable.
    she is a beautiful girl!
    jumping into a cool pool on a hot summers day!

    a fun way to cool off!
