Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dreary Day

The weather matches my mood...dreary. I do love a good Spring just makes it a bit tougher to entertain two kids and take care of an infant. I haven't really found my groove yet. I feel like my older kids are getting less attention and have to fend for themselves lately. Luckily Haley is very good at entertaining herself...Morgan, not so much.

Over the weekend Haley says to me, "Mommy, why don't you take care of us anymore?" Kinda broke my heart. This happened when Ryan was doing pretty much everything for them. I told them that I just had a baby, and Daddy was helping me. Haley says back, "No Mommy...Daddy is helping US!".

Piper eats about every two hours, so I feel as though I nurse pretty much all day. Once I get going on something, Piper is hungry again. I'm falling behind. The girls will come into the living room and see me nursing, and they have a look on their face like, "Not again...that's all mom does these days...sit on the sofa!!". And I think the whole nursing thing confuses them. One morning while Haley was at school I tell Morgan I need to feed Piper. Morgan says, "Mommy, how do you feed her? Where's the bottle?". I tell her that I make my own milk for her. She of course asks how. I tell her just like animals do in the wild. Cows make milk for their calves...Dogs for their puppies...etc. That seemed to appease her, and she ran off to play. Then later that day, Haley asked the same question. Morgan didn't hesitate to explain. "Haley, Mommy feeds Piper like a cow!". Haley had a completely confused/slightly grossed out look on her face. "Oh" she says, and quickly leaves the room. I think this whole process is kinda hard on Haley. First she had to watch her mother's belly grow abnormally huge, and now the whole nursing thing. I can see the cogs turning in her head trying to figure this all out.

So I've been a bit frazzled lately, but I'll find my groove...eventually.

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