Thursday, April 22, 2010

Piper's Check-Up

Woke up to snow...ugh! Luckily, it didn't last! It's a good thing too...just when I'm on the brink of insanity the weather shifts! The sun is out now and the girls are busy riding bikes with the neighbor girls, and Piper is sleeping beside me. Ahhhhhhh...a peaceful house!

Took Piper to her 2 week check-up this morning. She's still a bit Jaundice, but nothing to serious...the doctor wasn't too worried and didn't even think it was necessary to check her billirubin. She's weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz (back up to her birth weight) and she's grown 3/4 of an inch. Everything looked great!

I'm very anxious to start exercising...mainly taking walks on the river path. I can't stand wearing maternity clothes anymore!! The other day at Haley's bus stop one of the neighborhood boys asked if I had my baby! Say What?!! Didn't he notice that my ginormous belly wasn't as ginormous...I mean, come on...give me some kind of credit!! I know it was just a 10 year old...but still...ouch.

But she's so worth the jelly roll I now have for a waist!


  1. The best part, will be getting out into the fresh air!

    GO!!!! Kelly!!

  2. 2 weeks fly by when your not the one up at night!

    If it helps it took me 1 year to loose the jelly roll (TRUE STORY)!

    She's so sweet and lil.

  3. In a couple of months, no one will ever be able to tell that you've even had a baby... except for the trail of little ones following you around, that is.
