Monday, April 26, 2010

Costco Nightmare

I went to Costco today with all three children...what a process! As soon as we arrived Haley had a fit in the parking lot because I wouldn't let her take precious Una (her stuffed unicorn) into the store. (I didn't want one more thing to keep track of...and honestly if Una was ever lost, I would also be in tears!) She kept yelling, "But Mommy, I LOVE HER...Please don't make me leave her!!!". So once she finally let it go, and put Una into the car...we were on our way into the store. I'm not sure what's with my children and how goofy they can become in a matter of seconds! Spinning in circles down the aisle nearly crashing into everyone and singing a little too loudly as they do it. Then of course the nightmare with the samples. They end of spilling the samples they get onto the floor...and what's the deal with Haley having to touch one sample, then put it back and take another?! She did that about every time!! I would be right behind her taking the first one she touched so no one would be too furious with us. Anyway, they were constantly running around, hanging off the cart, pushing the cart away while I was looking at something (not on purpose, but still). Then at one point Morgan shouts out, "I saw JESUS!!!". Haley yells out, "What?! You saw Jesus?! WHERE?!!". Morgan just keeps shouting out, "Jesus...he's over there!! Mommy, he's over there!!" pointing as she's shouting. I frantically try to get her to be quiet and get out of there! I'm assuming it wasn't actually Jesus, but just a man with a big beard. So anyway, my kids were like little ping pong balls bouncing all over the place, and I was constantly shouting at them. Luckily, Piper slept soundly the entire time!

So, flustered and angry we make it back to the car. I tell them I'm really disappointed with their behavior and that I was taking away their stuffed unicorns (Morgan has one too) for a week. I though, Ha...that will show them!! WRONG! Haley's reply, "I don't care!". Now, that's the worst for a parent!! You want your kids to be really sorry for what they did, and the punishment to really get to them...maybe even see them cry a little over the whole thing. But, an "I don't care!" frustrating!! So I tell her if she doesn't care then I will take all her stuffed animals away! Still, no reaction from her. Ooooh, she knows how to push my buttons!!!

So now I'm really angry! On the way home a lady pulled out in front of me as I was making a left turn (I had the green arrow). I honked at her. I held the horn down for a long time...boy, did that feel good!

And, by the way, I did end up taking ALL of her stuffed animals away...still...she didn't care.


  1. Ah man! I hate shopping trips like that. I admire you for being brave enough to take them all to costco!

  2. Someday she may care about the stuffed animals!

    Maybe it was Jesus?

    Well at least you gave me a great big laugh! Hang in there I now love costco with just Myles someday...

  3. You are the bravest woman I know! I can barely do Costco with one child, much less three! I have to admit, I had a good laugh at the Jesus story. Especially when I can hear my child screaming in his room because he does not want to sleep. :-)

  4. You should have just gone with it. And been like Jesus? Really? Let's go find him! It would have been a great Mother Daughter experience. All four of you going up and down the aisles looking for Jesus

  5. Still laughing. Great post...unfortunately it came at the expense of your relationship with your daughter's unicorns....
