Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quiet Time Failure

I'm at my wits end!

Almost...well, the majority of the kids have quiet time at some point in the afternoon every day. Basically, it's when they each sit on their bed (they have a bunk bed) and read or rest. I set the timer for 30-40 minutes. It gives me a chance to take a nap.

They used to be good at it...they would even fall asleep sometimes! I award them stickers for their chart when they do a good job and stay quiet.

Well, quiet time is falling apart...and it's when I need it the most! I'm so tired. I even day dream about curling up on the sofa and sleeping throughout the day. Of course, not all days are this bad where I NEED sleep...sometimes I go with no nap at all. But today...oh, sleep, how I need you! And of course it's a day the girls are doing HORRIBLE!! If they start to get loud or act silly, or climb on each others bed, then I go in and add 5-10 minutes on the timer. That usually does the trick and they shape up pretty quick. Not today. I've gone into their room numerous times time they've spent on their beds is now well over an hour. This last time I went in there I took the timer out and told them they would stay in there until I finally decide they've been quiet long enough, and then they may come out. I told them the way they're acting they'll probably be in there all day! Morgan's response (with a smirk on her face), "Okay, let's stay in here all day!". I slammed the door on I'm blogging. Too mad to even attempt to sleep. Why? Why have they not been caring about any punishment this week?!! No matter what I do. And I pride myself at being consistent...and I am NOT a push over!! Why is everything a joke to them right now?! I have not been the nicest mom this afternoon...don't I scare them a little?! If I were them, I would be pretty freakin scared of me!! Can't they see the wrath in my eyes?!! My head is going to start spinning pretty soon if they don't cut it out!!

So frustrating...just utterly frustrating.
Need Sleeeeeeeeep...

1 comment:

  1. There are a ton of crazy things going on, right now. Moods can infect each-other.

    Sounds like the kids, are just on the same wave length as the rest of the world right now.

    I still think, it's a bluff. They care, they just don't want to show it.

    If all else fails, in my dysfunctional family, we say "Eat them while their bones are soft!"
    (just a little brevity)

    Keep your spirits up, keep the rubber side down, Super mom!
