Friday, April 30, 2010


Boooooo to snow!! Do the weather gods want me to go CRAZY!!! Well, I am!! I AM SICK OF SNOW AND COLD!!!
We are one day away from May...this is no way to start the month!
The tandem Ryan ordered is here! The idea is to get Haley on the back of it...Morgan too, but she needs to grow a little bit taller. I have yet to see it...Ryan brings it home today! If the weather will ever improve they'll be able to take it out. I can't wait to see Haley on it...I really hope she likes it!!
My sweet little Piper.
Something about a baby sleeping on their belly...I love it! Their little feet curled up under their cute!

So far, she is a dream baby.
*knocking on wood*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First you were a novice,
    Second you were an amateur,

    Now you have gone pro!

  3. Piper is so adorable! I am with you on this weather...enough already! We have cabin fever!
