Saturday, May 1, 2010

More complaining...

This weather is KILLING me! I know, I know...I keep talking about it...I keep complaining...but come on...WHERE ARE THE WARMER TEMPS!! This is just like last year. Spring was cold, raining, snowing...miserable. And then all of sudden it went from Winter temps straight to Summer weather. 50's to 90's...Spring weather was completely skipped! No nice days in the 70's...just awful! So yes, I keep whining about the weather, but when you have three children cooped up in 1300 square feet...well, it just isn't fun!

To make matters worse, Ryan is racing all day today. I started the day saying my morning mantra, "I AM A SUPPORTIVE WIFE!". I can do this!! Put your happy face on! I know he already feels guilty...don't make it worse!! Of course, I do want him to race and to do well. But's so hard! Especially having the weather so crappy and it just wasn't the best week ever. I'm feeling drained. But I know that when Ryan is home, he's in Super Dad mode...doing so much for me and the girls.

So, I think I can survive a few hours without him on a Saturday. I'll have to take the girls somewhere...make sure we get out of the house. But it's hard for me when the weather is bad...all I want to do is curl up under a blanket next to the window and watch the rain fall. Goodness...I'm such a homebody.

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