Tuesday, May 4, 2010

#30 Days of Content

So the Mop threw out a challenge for bloggers...30 days of content. Could be about anything I guess. Maybe improve your writing skills along the way...heaven knows I need that! People tell me that they enjoy the way I write, but most of the time I feel very scatterbrained and have hard time getting my thoughts down. English was always a class I struggled in during school...I was never any good at writing, my spelling and grammar are horrible! In fact, in college I scored so low in my entrance exam in the English section that had to take a 099 English class...I referred to it as "Dumbbell" English. That's right...I just admitted that to everyone, as I was VERY embarrassed at the time. Especially having a boyfriend as an English major. I'm more secure with myself now, so I can admit those kinds of things. Anyway, I think I've always thought of myself as someone who is bad at English ever since I was put in that class. And now that I'm a stay-at-home mom I have a tendency to have "mommy brain". Sometimes I feel like my brain cells are disappearing. I don't have deep intellectual conversations with people, I don't keep up with politics, I barely know what's going on with world news, I haven't read a book in two years...yadda, yadda, yadda. But...I can change a poopy diaper half asleep in the dark, I can nurse a baby pretty much anywhere (although I don't always like to), I can cook up a pretty darn good meal in under 30 minutes and I can blog, comfort a crying baby, referee a fight/dispute between a five year old and a three year old and talk on the phone all at the same time...which I just did.

So, bottom line...do I have anything interesting to blog about for 30 straight days?!


  1. You are a good story teller and that's all that matters.
    Who's this english major boyfriend? Should I be concerned?

  2. I thought this was good. I'd be psyched for, a report on "Secrets, of the poppy diaper"...

    The secret Life of the diaper....

    Sounds fun.

    you could also share embarrassing stories about Ryan.

  3. The twinkle in my daughter's eye.

    "how did I get the grocery cart with the broken Wheel"

    Proper application of Baby Powder...

    "I love the smell of baby powder, in the morning"

    "oh! she caughed... How to not worry in 2 paragraphs"

    seems like endless possibilities.

  4. Well...you can be easily entertained!

  5. I took a 099 Math class my Freshman year at IU. I liked to call that class "Algebra for dummy's who in High School always talked their way into a C."

  6. I took a low level math class, but there was one beneath it... It was called "Problem Attack"... always loved that name.
