Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Lesson Learned

30 Days of Content: Day 2

So I was on a walk the other day and the girls and I stopped by the tree swing so they could play for a little while. The river is right beside it and the girls like to throw rocks into the water, and then of course it leads to them getting either really muddy or wet or both. But that's another story. Anyway, there was this other mother there with her little daughter (probably around 2 years old). I couldn't help notice how the mother was interacting with her. She was just VERY VERY engaged. She would constantly be talking to her little girl in a very high pitched, slightly babyish, and very obnoxious voice. "Do you want to SWING?!"..."Okay!! Let's Swing!"..."What do you want to do now?!"..."Okay...let's collect rocks!!"..."What color is this one?!!..."How many do you have?!!!"..."Oh, you want to go over there?!! Okay, let's go that way!!" I was getting exhausted just watching her! So, as I'm sitting there on a tree stump while my kids are running amuck, not only did I find her slightly irritating, but I wondered if she was like that ALL day with her kid. I mean, fully engaged...actually playing with her child throughout the day...consistently. I started feeling bad. Do I PLAY with my kids enough? Do interact with them enough in the day? Do I give them enough attention...each of them individually? I started doubting myself as a mother.

Then, I came to the conclusion..."Well, that must be her only kid and that's why she has so much energy." And then I instantly felt better about myself. I have more on my plate! Plus, she was younger then me, hence the more energy...probably a new mom...she doesn't know what kind of terror her little sweet two year old will become...yeah, she can keep up with her NOW, give her a couple of years and she'll give you a run for your money! And she had to be a new mom could keep talking in that irritating/baby voice for more than one child.

Yes...I was sitting there making all kinds of judgements about this innocent woman just to make myself feel better. I know...I'm awful.

Finally, this woman packs up to leave. As she's loading her daughter into the bike trailer she says (still in a baby voice), "We'd better hurry! The girls are going to be back from school soon!". Great...she does have more children. Dang it! Back to feeling bad about myself!

Hey...maybe she was referring to cousins or something.

Lesson learned: Don't make judgements on people...and STOP comparing myself to other mothers!!


  1. don't worry her daughter is going to grow up being one of those high maintenance brats. Who can't stand failing anything. I see them all the time in the classroom,

    Plus she is probably getting a divorce from her alcoholic husband and the kids are all that she has left.

    At least Haley and Morgan have some independence.

  2. Find her car next time, and slash her tires....(totally kidding).

    Dang, I'm sorry I was so busy I forgot to read...

    These are Great Kelly, Keep going!
