Thursday, May 6, 2010


"Firestar (Angelica "Angel" Jones) is a fictional mutant superhero in the Marvel Comics universe. She has the ability to generate and manipulate microwave radiation, which allows her to generate intense heat and flames and to fly."

I'm not sure how it got brought up...but apparently I needed a superhero name. I give the credit to The Mop, who is way more knowledgeable when it comes to superheros. I know nothing of them. Anyway, I must say...Firestar fits me pretty well, don't you think?

So yeah...I think every housewife needs an alter ego. If I start feeling like I'm struggling (which is all the time), I'll just become Firestar! Now I just need the costume...I'm kidding...but seriously, I gotta get that costume! Ryan will come home from work, and I'll greet him wearing that. He'll be like, "Kelly?". And I'll be like, "No...I'm Firestar!".

Okay, I better stop before this post gets too crazy. does this count as content? I'll count it. #30 Days of Content: Day 3


  1. I wonder where Mop gets his ideas

  2. I'm pretty sure Ryan would enjoy your alter ego. Especially the suit. Its pretty hot! (pun intended)

  3. andrew, I have a bag... I pull them out...

    I'm also on this thing, where i'm ok with expressing any crazy thought that goes through my head.

    I know Ryan loves you, and would love the costume... and the alter ego!

    Super fun Post!!!!!!

  4. I have to know who The Mop is!?!?!

  5. We really have no idea...but he has a lot of fans!

    Mop...any answers?
