Friday, May 7, 2010

Already Failing?!

Aaaahhh...this 30 days of content is way harder than I thought! I'm only on day four...and I have no content for today.

Spent the morning cleaning up the house (although you wouldn't be able to tell now). When Haley came home from school we had a quick lunch and then off to Costco. The trip went much better than the last time...I had my mom with me this time, so we were able to double team the girls. They seemed to be better behaved this time too...and there were no sightings of Jesus...bummer. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening at my folks. Got back around 9:00, put all the girls to bed, and here I am. Tired.

So give a exhausted mom a break content...I'll do better tomorrow...promise.


  1. Not even a "Moses", That would be an interesting 'kid's game' what apostle, or spiritual figure, do people look like.

  2. I was hoping to see something new, over here. It's ok, Maybe I'll pick up the Ball for you....

    Maybe a reflection on "Grace", Maybe "Divine Grace".
