Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend Update

Okay...I've decided that I'm not very good at the "30 days of Content". I think I'll have to abandon it.

The truth is Saturday was not a good day. A blog post for that day just wasn't happening. Bottom line...I was in a wretched mood...not a pleasant person to be around...sulking for most of the day. Not sure what happened exactly, I woke up fine. By mid morning it was like a switch flipped, I went from happy to super bitch...seriously, in a matter of minutes. I have no explanation of it...wish I did. Can I blame it on hormones? I tell ya, I just don't know how Ryan puts up with me sometimes. Anyway, it ended up being one of those days that I just wished I could start over. I ruined a perfectly good Saturday. So there you have it...I guess we have to have a bad day in order to really appreciate the good ones.

Sunday, on the other hand was much better! Well, other than the fact that Haley came down with a fever...not so good. She's feeling better today, it's developed into a cold. I kept her home from school today to give her a chance to sleep in...which she did beautifully! She slept to nearly 8:00!!

So back to Sunday. I decided that I needed a break! I needed to get out! I took just Piper with me (kinda have to, since I nurse every couple of hours), picked my mom up and we went out for a little something to eat, sat outside (yes, it was warm enough, FINALLY) and was wonderful! Then we went up to the Canyon mouth and went for a walk along the river path. It was beautiful! So relaxing! I came home feeling refreshed! Then, that evening we had Sunday dinner at my folks' house. Perfect ending to the day.

Picture of Morgan and I goofing around with the camera. Morgan combed my hair in case you were wondering why I have pig tails.
Sunday Piper turned one month!
I can't believe how fast that went!
What a cutie!


  1. You say, "I think, I'll have to abandon it."

    So there is still hope. You will be missed. It would be against "Mop Code" to do something, you don't actually want to do though, or to rephrase 'Something you don't feel like doing'.

    I'm glad you are feeling better.

  2. Aaaahhhh...I don't want to be a quiter!

    So...what day am I on now?

  3. you can always get back on that horse.

    and thanks for playing!!!

