Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 15: Half way there.

So I think the whole point of this "30 Days of Content" idea was to have real content. I'm afraid I'm focused too much on getting a post out every day (so I don't fail) that I'm not really giving much thought on content. And maybe that's because the only time I have to update lately is when the girls are in bed and the only thing I want to do right now is sit on my butt, eat some ice cream and watch some brainless TV.

The truth is the last couple of nights have been brutal. Morgan has been getting up crying A LOT! I'll go in the check on her, she'll be rolling around crying, her eyes still closed...we have yet to figure out what her problem is. She seems to get more irritated when we try to comfort her. Fine...wallow in your misery alone...excuse me for wanting to comfort you! Anyway, so there's that...and also Piper has decided she wants to eat every two hours at night now! Ugh!

So there you have it...Day 15.

Now...I'm going to go sit on my butt, eat some ice cream and watch some brainless TV!

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