Monday, May 17, 2010

Time to get in shape!

This morning was my first real start to working out again...well, other than the walks I've been doing. I'm starting to get very frustrated with my body. I'm so sick of maternity clothes or sweats everyday. The weather is getting warmer and I'm ready to wear shorts...without an elastic waste! I can never remember how long it took me to get back into my regular clothes after my first two babies. But whatever it feels longer this time. Yes, I know it's only 5 1/2 weeks since I gave birth, but impatient...I can't help it!

So yeah...working out...started today! I have a neighbor who teaches aerobics three days a week for two hours. Actually it's so much more than that...we also do a whole weight routine for our arms, ab workout (I really need that one), pilates, and yoga. And to top it off, kids are welcome. They basically run around the gym playing while we work out. So today was my first day, and boy am I out of shape! And also...I'm really bad at aerobics! It's not that the routines are very completed, I'm just not very coordinated I guess. I'm pretty pathetic...but I'll keep trying. It's kinda discouraging because I want so badly to be coordinated that know a good dancer. The music is blaring getting you all pumped up...I don't want to be the schmo bouncing around having no idea what I'm doing!

In other news I have my six week appointment tomorrow. Yes...the only appointment women have with their obgyn that husbands can't wait for. I'm just saying.

Day 14 of "30 Days".


  1. oh I felt the same way when I went to that class. I wish I could move that like!
