Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Pictures

Thought I'd take a minute (and I mean's already past my bedtime) to post a few pictures of the weekend.

First off, the zoo. Haley is wearing a little pink monkey around her neck. That is the same monkey that my grandparents bought for me at the LA Zoo in California when I was a kid. I would have never thought that when I picked that pink monkey out that my daughter would be wearing it! So, pretty good purchase Grandma Helen and Grandpa Jim!! 20+ years and it's still going strong!

This orangutan really freaked Haley out...probably because it was so close to the glass. But she was able overcome her fears and went back to take it's picture...not bad!

Morgan hitching a ride with Grandma.

Sunday Haley couldn't wait to go on a ride with Ryan. She got all kitted up herself (it's a little big, but it works). So cute! I hope she continues to love it!

Maybe in a couple of years little Morgan will be ready to give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. They will be fighting dad, for the bike. Haley-Morgan duo!!! Cat 5 here they come.

    Super cute!... Out of control.
