Saturday, May 15, 2010

Carnivals and Zoos

First of all it's about 9:00 in the evening and I am WORKED! Dang this #30 Days of Content...I don't want to fall behind again!! So anyway, I'm tired, but I'm determined to crank this out!

As you know, Ryan went to Bear Lake Friday for some bike racing action. Now usually I would have wrote a "woe is me" type post...but, not this time baby! Friday afternoon my mom (I'm so glad she's here...she's my savior when Ryan's gone) came over and we took the girls to Haley's school carnival. Basically it was a complete madhouse with kids running amuck...all I wanted to do was leave. Finally after an hour of mayhem we took the girls out for ice cream...which resulted in being our dinner for the day. I know...bad mom!

The next day (today) we went to the zoo...and were pretty much there for the entire day! The girls had a blast! And I must say, they did an awesome job. I was impressed how patient they were when I had to feed Piper...three times total. Of course I couldn't have done it without my mom being there to keep them somewhat corralled. And during the course of the day we only lost one "My Little Pony" brush to the Orangutans (don't ask me why we had it...who knows). And Morgan got chased by a peacock, which was being chased by Haley. But everyone survived!

Now I'm are in bed...I haven't had dinner yet...I'm thinking that ice cream in the freezer is calling my name! Is that cream for dinner two nights in a row. Don't answer!

#30 days of Content: Day 12

1 comment:

  1. It's the weekend that is tough, on the 30 days. Even I had a few panic moments.

    Great Job!

    Extra bonus for the no-"woe is me" post.

    Keep Killing it!
