Friday, May 14, 2010

They Grow Too Fast

I sometimes find myself passing time just sitting and holding Piper, examining her every feature as she stares back at me...maybe she's also examining me (hopefully she's not looking at the rising number of wrinkles on my face or the few gray hairs that are popping up here and there!). It seems that this newborn stage whisks by way too fast and before I know it she'll be racing out the door to play or blowing me kisses from the school bus like Haley.

I never considered myself baby crazy. Growing up I did some babysitting here and there. I was good with kids...but lets be honest, I did it for the money! And as I got older (before I had kids) I was never the woman that wanted to hold everyone elses baby. Yeah, they were cute and all, but I never gushed all over them the way other women did.

But now with my own...I think more than ever I'm really loving this newborn stage...I just can't get enough of it! With Haley, I was so new to it...I spent most of my time trying to figure it all out. And by the time I got the hang of it...poof...she's five years old! And, I was so frazzled that first year. Haley still required a lot of attention and I was just pulled constantly between the two of them. I was never really able to relax and soak it all in.

Now, Haley and Morgan are a little more independent...they can play on their own for longer periods of time, they can ride their bikes outside on their own or play with the dogs in the backyard. I don't feel as frazzled like I did before (there are exceptions...let's be honest here, not all days are glorious), but I feel like I have periods of the day that it's just Piper and me. So yeah, laundry goes to the wayside, house projects get put on the back burner, cleaning, whatever (although maybe if I did more of that I would find my sunglasses that have been missing for a week now!)...but all that stuff will always be there. My little Piper won't be...before I know it...she'll be all grown up!

Sweet Sisters

This morning when I went in to get Piper out of her crib, this is what I found. She had wiggled her way right out of her jammies and the blanket I swaddled her in. Funny girl!

I better run...Morgan has made me quite the Play-Doh feast to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are so adorable. Love the photos of Piper without her jammies!
