Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kick off to Summer!

Yesterday we celebrated Haley's last day of Kindergarten!
They had a really cute program with lots of singing...I was wondering why Haley was singing "Start spreading the news..." (one of their songs, slightly tweaked) this past week. She did excellent, cute as ever. I actually was getting a little teary watching her up there! If I'm already getting teary for Kindergarten, I wonder what High School or College will be like...or her wedding?!! Aaahh, I'll be a wreck!! Oh, Haley please stop growing up!!
Haley with her teacher...
...and her BFF.
The whole family.
Haley with Grandma.

After her little graduation program we headed off to breakfast. We were lucky Ryan got to join us...he took the morning off, yay!

After we completely gorged ourselves we said farewell to Ryan, and then we went to the Paleontologist museum on BYU campus. Not bad for a free museum!
Pretending to be Dinosaurs.

After that museum we went to the Monte L. Bean Life Science museum, also on campus.
This picture is of an actual Liger!
I couldn't help but think of Napoleon Dynamite...if you haven't seen that movie...well, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyway, very cool.
Piper enjoyed it all from the stroller.
So now we are officially in Summer, and it's a beautiful day for it to begin! We started the morning off with homemade coffee cake and eggs. Later we had to go to the store where Haley promptly reminded me that because it was finally Summer they could do Yucky Cereal Week. So they each picked out their "yucky" cereal...which happened to be Trix for each of them. I think they only picked it because it came with a squirt toy. So after the store we had a picnic lunch outside then we set the little play pool up. They played outside for the remainder of the afternoon. Just lovely! Now, they're exhausted watching a movie before dinner. And I'm thinking BBQ for tonight!
Ah, I love you!


  1. Your girls need to be in a commercial for hair products! Seriously, they have the most beautiful shiny and gorgeous!

  2. That was like 5 posts... rolled into 1.

