Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stamping Class

My mom and I had been planning on attending a stamping class at the local paper crafts store for about a week. I really enjoy paper crafts (scrapbooking and what not) so I was really looking forward it. And it's a hobby that I've put on the back burner for a looong time! So I couldn't wait to dive into it again. As soon as Ryan got home, I was out the door as I was already running was a long day and I was a bit flustered when I left...but I was anxious to have a girlie evening! Ryan stayed with the girls and I took Piper with me.

So I race into the store pushing the stroller and immediately see my mom. As soon as I get up to her the woman at the register asked if we were there for the class, we say yes. Then she says, "Oh...we don't allow babies in the class." I was crushed. And I don't know what's going on with my emotions lately, but I nearly burst into tears at that very moment. "PLEASE! Just let me in!! You don't understand what kind of day I had!!". Okay, I didn't say that...but I was definitely thinking it. Luckily, she still let us in. But first she made it very clear that if she fusses I would have to take her out. Fine.

So we go into the classroom and everyone is already seated...I'm a little uncomfortable...people kinda give me "the look" as we sit down. Then the teacher kinda gives us the look too. So I say to her, "I know about the baby rule, but the lady out front said we could still come in". The teacher says back, "Okay, that's fine...but if she makes a better take her out!". And I kid you not I think daggers were flying out of her eyes when she said that to me! Now, I'm really uncomfortable, and feeling slightly unwelcome.

Of course, within two minutes Piper starts to fuss. I scoop her up as fast as I could and try to cram a pacifier in her mouth. It's not working. The teacher pauses every so often to glare at me. I start to panic. I wanted to scream..."ALL I WANT TO DO IS LEARN STAMPS PEOPLE!!! STOP GLARING AT ME!!" Then my mom offers to take her out...she was determined to make sure I had fun and knew I needed a break. (she's the best) So she took her out. But I was still very flustered...and nearly at my breaking point. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes...and I know that the teacher noticed. It took everything I had in me not to walk out that door. I'm not sure what my problem was...overwhelmed I guess. But I got control of myself...and stayed.

I'm glad I did because I really did enjoy myself...eventually. And I learned quite a bit! It felt good to unwind...and do a hobby that I enjoy doing. I just wish I could have shared that with my mom. So I have to thank her for sacrificing her evening to give me a much needed break. She ended up pushing Piper around the mall and even had to take care of a blow-out poop. Now that's love! So thanks're the best!