Friday, May 21, 2010

Shake what your mama gave you!

I went to my workout this morning. My abs are killing hurts so good! We did a few aerobic routines...I'm still pretty awful. But I got to thinking while we were doing some belly dancing to Shakira...I'm holding back. I think it's common with women...we have a tendency to get caught up with our insecurities and we don't just let loose! Go with it! Have fun! Who cares what I look like! There is another woman there that does just that...I admire that. Plus, the instructor...of course she can shake it pretty good...and she's looks good doing it! Anyway, I want to be like that. I need to loosen up!

Oprah did a show forever ago helping women "loosen up" and do something wild. I guess they were caught in a rut or something...I forgot the details of the show. So anyway, the women needed to think of something crazy to do and Oprah would hook it up. One woman wanted to sing on stage in front of tons of people. One woman wanted to dance with the Rocketts. (There were a bunch of others, but I forgot what they did.) Anyway, one woman wanted to pole dance. Ever since that show, I've wanted to take pole dancing lessons! No, not that I want to be a stripper or anything (although we could bring in some pretty good money...and I already have a name, Firestar!....KIDDING) but I think it would help me loosen up...embrace my body and learn how to move it without looking like an idiot. Plus, it's sounds like so much fun!

So maybe this year I'll actually do it...take a pole dancing class. Anyone want to join me?!

"30 Days of Content" Day 18


  1. I'll go watch the class!

  2. If I talked about the brain, and how it likes to use the same pathways over and over. But it gets Complacent(in a rut). Without a New experience, or learning a new skill, it doesn't build new Pathways.
    The old ones can be easily reinforced, but the new ones are hard fought. But the difference is a matter of losing Lucidity!

    bla bla bla bla

    Poll dance!!!
