Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 19

Not much to report. I wanted to get a post out before I head out to my moms for the evening. I don't want to be sitting in front of this computer late at night trying to bust out a post.

Ryan has an awful cold. Snoring all night. Last night I tried to roll him over, I thought I was pushing on his shoulder...apparently it was his face. Oops..sorry. But seriously, he sounds like an old man hacking and snorting...just awful! I do hope he feels better...poor guy. He's still racing today though in Sugar House. This race would have been a good one to watch, it's one of my favorites. But the weather is kinda crappy, so I opted out. Actually, it's kind of been a blah day. I didn't get much of anything done...basically dragging my feet all day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a bit more productive!

We watched the Tour of California last night. I wanted to see it because they were racing to Big Bear. They went through Crestline, past Lake Arrowhead...basically through some of my old stomping grounds. My grandparents have a cabin in Lake Arrowhead so we've spent a lot of time up there. I enjoyed watching the race go along Highway 18...I tried to find things I recognized. Also, Rory Sutherland got second! His wife, Cheynna, was a childhood friend of mine and we reconnected again (oh, the joys of facebook!). We both raced as Juniors. Anyway, I love reading her blog. They have a baby, he's a pro cyclist so he's on the road A LOT...and they make it work. I admire that...because I know it's got to be tough especially with a little baby! I would definitely classify her as a supermom! So anyway, I was thinking about their little family last night when Rory was up on the podium.

Well, that's all for now! Off to my mom's!

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