Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Catching Up

Well, I tried to again to do the 30 days straight...FAILED again. I guess I'm just not a blog master.

Here's a few highlights of the past couple of days I missed.

Ryan has been sick. He actually took the day off yesterday to see a doctor...well, actually he ended having to go to an Urgent care since our doctor was booked. I also found out that he has NEVER been to our family doctor. Incredible, considering I've been to see him like a gazillion times! Turns out he has a respiratory infection...ugh! So the girls and I went to spend the afternoon with my mom so he could get some much needed rest in a quiet house.

Oh, and we woke up to snow yesterday morning...the HORROR!! I won't even get started on how depressed I was to see that. Luckily, we'll be seeing some nice weather this week...about time!!

Haley's last day of school is tomorrow. It will be nice not to rush around in the morning to get her on the bus, but the thought of all three children now in the mornings is kind of exhausting to think about. I hope I can handle it!

Morgan's little red tricycle was stolen...I'm so upset about it! I actually think it was stolen last week sometime, but we didn't notice it was missing until Sunday. A few people thought they saw it in the bushes near the entrance of our neighborhood, but by the time we got down there, it was already gone again. It was probably some punk kids who took it. I just want to kick their @#$!! How dare they do that to a three year old!! I think I'm the most upset...Morgan got over it pretty quickly, but I'm just devastated! After we realized it was missing, Haley and Morgan ran around the yard yelling, "We need to find the thief!!". I either need to get training wheels for her other bike or she needs to learn to ride a two wheeler very soon! Summer is here and I need to go on my walks!! And Morgan not having a bike is a problem...walking for her just won't do, we'll never get anywhere!

Ryan watching the Tour of California with his girls.
You can tell his eye is all messed up...a symptom of his
respiratory infection.
Today I finally got started on some much needed weeding in the front yard. I'm taking it slow...one section at a time. Anyway, I was wearing some shorts, and my oh my...I need a tan! You can definitely tell that my legs have not seen the sun in...oh...eight months?!
Aaaahhh...my eyes!!
The girls wanted a picture of their legs too.
We're ready for Summer!!!

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