Monday, June 28, 2010

Hanging out in Logan

Ryan had the state road race Saturday afternoon held just outside Logan. Not wanting to spend the afternoon at home I decided to pack the kids up and go along for the ride. It's about two hours away and I'm always up for a drive.

The girls and I went to the race and saw the guys start, then hopped back in the car and drove into the town of Logan...about another 20 minutes or so. Actually for me it ended up being about 40 minutes because I thought I was going the wrong way, so I backtracked and took another road...decided that wasn't right, so I backtracked again to the original road, found a police officer and asked for directions to Logan. Turns out, I was on the right road the first time...I shouldn't trusted my instincts. Anyway, after much frustration...we made it. Pretty sad really, when all it is out there are little farm roads and I can see the town I want to get to. I think I'm a good candidate for a GPS!

I took the girls to Willow Park...pretty big place with tons of play equipment and right next to the park is a little zoo. Perfect!

I snapped this picture of the girls, but Haley was actually the photographer for the day.

We hung out for a few hours until the race was over, then Ryan and Sleevie drove to Logan to meet up with us. We enjoyed a very late dinner (it was around 8:30) in town and then headed for home.
Now were gearing up for the next road trip to the LBC this week! I love Summer!

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