Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's talk about weight.

The good news...I bought a new scale today and learned that I'm five pounds lighter than I thought I was! Woo hoo for me! The bad news...I haven't lost a single pound in over two weeks. And really...the past three weeks, I've only lost two pounds. Boo.

I'm not one to talk a lot about weight...actually, Ryan would disagree...and my mom...since I complain about my weight to them ALL the time. But, I'm not one to blog about it probably bugs people....well, it would bug me.

The truth is, I've never really had any issues with my weight. If I gained a few, I could lose it pretty quickly. In college I gained my freshmen 15 (plus a few extra), but was able to get rid of it once I put my mind to it...and stopped eating pizza at midnight every night. Not sure what's up with pizza and college...but the two go hand in hand...especially in the dorms!

Then I had Haley. The year after I had her the weight literally melted off me! I couldn't keep weight on!! I would even say I was under weight...I had what we call the "no butt syndrome". And it was exactly the same after I had Morgan. I hoo, huh. You want to smack me, I know...I want to smack myself....because honestly things have changed this time around. It's just not that easy for me back I guess!

I blame it on my age. This is my first baby after the age of metabolism just isn't the same!

I do not believe in wacky diets...I hate them! I do not believe in cutting anything out of your diet...just cutting back. I don't think you should deprive your body of certain'll just crave them more. As Paula Deen would say, "Only in moderation". I follow the very simplistic "eat less, exercise more" mentality. So, I'm doing that...but the weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like. Now...I just need some patience...which I'll admit...I have none...for anything...something I need to work on.

But you know...also, now that I'm exercising more...I'm tired more in the day. I'm not sure how people (who exercise routinely), keep up with the every day things that need to get done. For the past three days I've needed to mop the floor, but I haven't' mustered up enough energy to actually do it! Maybe one day I'll find a balance...until then, I guess I'll have a dirty floor.

That's it...I'm done. No more weight talk...for now anyway.


  1. Kelly, I have no doubt that you will lose any weight you want to, but until then, I'm sure you are still gorgeous! And of course, your body hangs on to a bit of weight while breastfeeding... at least mine always did. Once I weaned, I always lost a bit more without effort.

    Gotta say that I agree with you about exercise and feeling tired! I sometimes feel guilty that I don't have more energy with the kids because I used it all for training in the morning!

  2. I don't believe in scales because it really is all about how you feel about the reflection in the mirror. I think you look great! I never have enough energy to exercise while nursing- so you've already got one-up on me ;)
