Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Evenings

So, either Piper is a dream baby or I'm way more relaxed this time around. Probably a little bit of both. I will say she is a bit fussy in the day if she doesn't have her pacifier or isn't being held...but she usually sleeps like a champ! Note the "usually"'s not all roses people! But I don't have time to agonize over it. If she cries in the day and can't always scoop her up immediately if I'm busy with the other two...she just has to cry for little bit...she'll be okay. Or if she cries after I put her to bed...I know it won't last forever. Whereas with Haley, I panicked..."I can't get her sleep! Why isn't she sleeping?!".

One of my favorite times of the day is in the evening when I'm nursing Piper before I lay her down for the night. It's just me and her. I'm not pausing every few minutes to help someone go potty or get a snack or answer the phone. I get to sit and rock her in distractions...just me and her. Last night was no different...except this time while I was rocking and nursing her I got to listen to Haley and Morgan playing chase in the front yard with Ryan. Something about sitting there cuddling with Piper and hearing my other children's laughter with their dad, enjoying a Summer brought such an overwhelming sense of happiness to me. I thought, "This is the life!".

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