Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Helpers

Have you ever seen someone so happy to vacuum?!

Haley only needed one more sticker on her chart to get a prize, so she was doing everything and anything to earn it! I gave her the chore of vacuuming her room...she loved it! She ended up vacuuming the whole house...and for a five year old, she didn't do that bad!

Morgan wanted to get in on it too. She decided to do some "dusting"...with a baby wipe. Ahhh, my little worker bees!

It's kinda nice that they can start doing more chores around the house. Haley says she wants to vacuum all the She's really into anything that makes her more like a grown up. She's decided that she only wants to take showers now...she hated it when I helped her, but I needed to wash her hair! She will not drink out of anything that resembles a sippy cup. And she is now very particular about her clothing. She really wants new shoes because she says the ones she has are too babyish. Oh little girl is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. My kids love to dust, too... which they do by taking a sopping wet paper towel and dragging it over the furniture. Umm, that's really helpful. Can't discourage them wanting to help though!! Now, if I can just get them cracking on cleaning the bathrooms...
