Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's new with me...

...not much, really.

I've been determined to lose the weight I've put on from my pregnancy...about 15 pounds. I finally caved and bought some new clothes (just a couple things) to wear in the meantime because I still can't get into any of my normal clothes...How thin was I?!! Geeze!! Wearing elastic workout pants everyday just won't cut it in the heat of Summer! I've been eating less (no more snacking) and I've been trying to exercise consistently. I even had enough willpower to say "no" to a cake sitting on my counter this morning...whereas normally I wouldn't have hesitated to eat a slice for breakfast! Maybe I'm so anxious to lose the weight because this in the one time in my life that I can be thin and have big breasts (thanks to nursing)! And for someone who is normally flat chested...that's a big deal! So...flat stomach and stripper boobs...here I come!!

Okay...enough of that. Probably too much information...but whatever!

On another note...I've become really into card making and stamping...thanks to my mom! I've always enjoyed scrapbooking (nothing too elaborate...I like things simple)...but stamping is very new to me. It can be very pricey...but I've been using a lot of coupons to build up my stamp collection. There's so much out there!! And you can design the cutest cards! Anyway, so that my latest little hobby...and the girls enjoy it too! Now all I need is a bigger house so I can dedicate one room for all my craft stuff!

We have some fun stuff planned in the next few weeks. A weekend in Kamas/Evanston, trip to Long Beach, then a weekend in Idaho Falls. Yay for road trips!


  1. Hey Kally you should come do the stamping/card making class at Jessica Larsen's house!! We meet once a month and have TONS of fun! Call her and get the details. And if you EVER are looking for "a certain thing" Call ME I have millions of stamps, stamp pads, papers, etc.

  2. Oops I just saw I typoed your name! Sorry!!!!

  3. Oooh...sounds good! Thanks Joy!
