Monday, July 26, 2010

Birthday Festivities

We started the day off by waking Morgan up at about 7:00 by singing Happy Birthday and presenting her with a birthday muffin and candle. For a second I thought she wasn't going to wake up...we were almost done singing and she hadn't even budged! But luckily she came through...happy as can be! (She's usually pretty grumpy in the mornings so we really risked it by waking her up) Haley on the other hand had already been up for an hour...she was chomping at the bit to get in there and wake her up...she was so excited!

That evening we had Matt, Carrie and little Jett over for some Lasagna and of course cake and ice cream to celebrate.

The Birthday Girl!

Homemade Rainbow Cake
I can't really take credit on this one...I got the idea from Megan.
Morgie loved it!
Piper with Uncle Matt.
Waving...or maybe she likes the feel of Matt's whiskers.
I knew I wanted to get Morgan a scooter...I figured I'd just get a razor...plain and simple. But Haley was with me when I went shopping and she insisted that Morgan have the Barbie scooter. "Mommy, the razor is boring. Look at all the pretty colors on this one!!! She'll LOVE it!!". So, I got the Barbie one. Notice the little Barbie sized scooter that attaches to it. Haley was right...she loved it.
Cousin Jett
It was fun to see how excited Haley was for Morgan's big day. She gave Morgan a Zhu Zhu pet...another great choice. It's a little mechanical Hamster that skitters around the floor making all kinds of sounds. You can get all kinds of tunnels and other accessories for them too. Kids know what kids want! Apparently, Zhu Zhu pets were all the range last Christmas (people stood in lines for these things!). Now they're pretty easy to come by. Anyway, Morgan loves it...they have been playing with it non-stop!

Haley's Birthday is next more birthday festivities are in the works. I have a feeling a scooter and Zhu Zhu pet are in her future.

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