Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Oh my...I got very little sleep last night. My mind was racing!

Last night Ryan and I looked at a house...what's new right? Well, we loved's probably the best house that we've seen for the price they are asking...and we've seen A LOT of houses. And it's in the area we LOVE. It meets all of our needs. So what's the problem? Well, it's on a busy road, and the bedrooms are teeny tiny. But my main hang up is the road. I have learned a lot with this house search...first off, you are not going to find the perfect'll have to compromise something. The question is "What are we willing to sacrifice?". The location of the house is still ideal, it's a beautiful street...and it's wide...and it's a 25 mph. But, will the cars be a problem? I just don't know. Every single school (elementary, middle and high school) are in walking distance, I love that!

And then of course there's the whole money thing. Taking that financial leap. We did it with this house (boy, were we scared then). But we did it! Now we are comfortable, but it's's time to make that leap again.

So anyway...decisions, decisions...wish us luck!