Sunday, August 1, 2010

Houses and Birthdays

A lot has been going on these past few days.

So lets see...well, we ended up putting an offer on that house. They of course countered with something ridiculous, so we countered again with, what we thought, was a good compromise. We crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. They accepted! So now I'm terrified, yet extremely excited. I hope everything turns out okay with the inspection...I would hate for things to fall through at this point. It's an older home, so you never know what's going on behind the walls, but it looks to be well taken care of and that it was a loved home. It's just so charming!

Also, this week we were gearing up for the girls' birthday party on Saturday. Bad timing with the whole house thing going on. I felt very disconnected as a mom all mind has been so distracted. But, I think their party turned out very well. We had 8 kids come...we filled the two hours with musical chairs, relay races, pinatas (yes, two), cupcakes, and presents. They seemed to have had a lot of fun! Then that evening my brother and his family came over for a bbq and more presents and cupcakes. Needless to say by the end of the day I was exhausted! I'll have to post pictures tomorrow.

Now today, I just want to keep it low key. I wouldn't mind staying home all day...maybe working on some scrapbooking, perhaps a little cleaning (I'm surrounded by yesterday's mess) and I'll try to wrap my brain around the idea of moving to a new

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