Saturday, July 17, 2010

Library careful!

I try to take the girls to the library every week. Okay, I'll be honest...this Summer I'm lucky if I get there once a month. And I finally paid a fine that was looming over me every time I checked out books. I would always push the "pay later" button..."later" turned into a week, then a month, then several months...I think it's been about a year. Well...glad to report that it's paid...yay me!

Anyway, most of the time the girls find some really good books...but then, every now and then we get a dud...and some I wonder how they got published at all!

Not sure if I shared this story already. If I did...too bad, you get to hear it again!

This one book (I forgot the name) I really thought was lame. It was about all the things a mom can do. Every page focused on a different career...some moms swing on a trapeze, some are doctors, some work in the zoo, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, after I finished the book, Haley looks at me and says, "Mom, you don't do any of those things." So I ask, "What do I do?". Now, when I asked the question, the response I was expecting was, "You take care of us!!". Instead, she looks at me with a very serious look, " talk on the phone!". Lovely.

So anyway, the book would have been better if at least one page focused on a stay-at-home mom! I may not be a trapeze artist...but my job is important too!! And no, I don't talk on the phone all day...honest!

Then, last night Ryan read the girls a book they got from the library before bed. Another dud. This one was about a cat that was old and had to be put asleep, they had a funeral and everything for it. Now, I realize it's supposed to help kids understand death...yadda, yadda, yadda. But we didn't need that right before bed! Of course it freaked them out, "What?! The cat dies?!! Why does it die?!!! Are we going to die?!!!". Poor things...what a way to go to bed! Haley kept saying, "That book is too sad...I don't want to read it ever again!". No problem...I'll be burning it as soon as you go to sleep. Okay, not really...but seriously!! They should have some kind of warning on the cover...instead they just had a cute cat.

That book is right up there with this other book about a couple of feral children who got rescued...and then one of them dies. It was a true story and had an actual photograph of the kids. This one freaked me out more than it did the girls. Stupid book!

So...the lesson here...always read the books (or at least flip through them) before reading them to your children! It will make bedtime a lot easier!

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