Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday rambles...

Let's see...what's been going on...

Belle got spayed on she's been extra spoiled these past couple days, lounging in the air conditioned house. Etta was spayed a few weeks ago (she has a knee problem, so we weren't going to breed her for sure) and I noticed that she has calmed down a little...note the words, "a little". I think she's also put on a few extra pounds...not such a good thing. But anyway, we thought, really in the long run are we ever going to breed Belle? Probably not. So we spayed her too...maybe she'll settle down a little as well. If you're unaware, Brittanys are probably the most hyper dog to ever live!! Just a little warning if you're wanting to get one.

We had our annual block party Saturday night. Good times. It was nice to see everyone, and let the kids run amuck. We are very lucky to live in such a great neighborhood...tons of kids, and great people!

The weather has been the 100's, so Ryan took the girls to the swim park Saturday and the river on Sunday. Piper and I enjoyed some napping while they did that.

I'm ready for her to start sleeping through the night...I lay her down at about 8:00 and she usually wakes up at around 4:00 to eat. Then she goes back to sleep for a few more hours...not bad, but it would be nice if she went all night. The first two nights while we were in CA she did go ALL night...I thought she was starting something... but no...just a tease. When she skips her night feeding I wake up in the morning with boulders for my breasts...really, hard as a ROCK! You other nursing moms know what I'm talking HURTS! I was about ready to go in and wake her up myself to have her eat so I could have some kind of relief! I do take great pride in that for my small stature, I can produce enough milk to feed the entire neighborhood! So I got that going for myself.

Okay, not sure how I went from water parks to my breasts...but anyway...moving on.

The girls and I are seeing the dentist today. Swell. If you don't already know...I hate going to the dentist. I hate everything about it. The sound while they scrape the gunk off your teeth, the smell and the taste of the paste, the drool...ugh...just awful. And this is just a check-up...let's just hope I don't have a cavity!! I think I've mentioned before...I'd rather get a pap smear than go to the dentist.

There I go again. I went from talking about the dentist to pap smears...okay, moving on.

The past few weeks, I've consistently been losing a pound a week...yay me! Soooo, in about 10 weeks I'll be where I want to be. Great, just in time for Winter.

In other news, I haven't worn my wedding band in about a month because of my broken finger (and can you believe it...not one person has hit on me...what's up with that!). It's still a little puffy in the middle and I think it's permanently bummed, that was my most beautiful finger.

Okay, I think I've rambled enough this morning. Time to get this day going!

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