Thursday, July 8, 2010

Long Beach Trip

We're back from our week in Long Beach...sad it's over...especially Haley, who has decided that she is going to live in Long Beach when she grows up. I told her she would be so far away from me...her response, "Don't worry mom, I'll let you visit me." Thanks.

Like usual I totally slacked off with the pictures, but I'll share a few.

The morning we were leaving for LB this is what I found when I went to wake up the girls.
They said they were having a "sleep over".

So, lets's a wrap up of the week.
Ryan ended up taking the girls to the beach twice. My mom and I enjoyed a nice walk with Piper on the bike path while they played in the water.
We had our Austrian relatives over for a BBQ one night...they were just starting out on a month long "Holiday" around the western states. I tell ya, those Europeans know how to vacation! My folks grilled up three tri-tips...and it never fails, whenever we have any relatives from Europe visit, they always take pictures of the meat cooking. I'll assume it's because they rarely see beef in Austria, not because they think we're gluttons. Anyway, great dinner...great visit.
Then we another BBQ to celebrate the fourth. Family plus good food makes for a very nice evening! Oh, and I'm still the reining champ of the Hula Hoop contest! Jeff gave me a challenge, but in the end, it was all me baby! After dinner we went to my grandparents house (they live right across the street to the stadium). We watched the fireworks from the roof like last year... can't beat those seats! Great show!
I went for a ride Monday along the coast with my dad, Ryan, and Jeff's girlfriend, Jen. It felt good to be back on my bike (it's been over a year I think). Unfortunately, the weather was a bit chilly. It was always overcast in the morning, but by the afternoon it burned off and the sun would come out. What's new right?!
We survived the drive there and back, albeit long. But the girls did great for the most part. It's just those last couple hours each way that get pretty intense.
Now for store for sure. I also want to see a doctor about my poor dislocated finger (I'm absolutely terrified for this, but I think I've waited long enough.) I would like a fully functional left hand again. Oh, and we might make an offer on a house today. Better get going.

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