Friday, July 9, 2010


...because I know everyone is just so curious about my poor finger.

Went to the doctor...with all three children...and everyone there had to comment on that fact. "Wow, brought all the kids with you, huh?!". Yes...sometimes I just don't have a choice people!! Anyway, they were perfect little angels...really, they were. Someone even said that my children were (and I quote) "very well behaved"...yeah, that's right! I gotta hand to the sticker chart, sometimes that little incentive is all they need!

Anyway, back to my finger. So like I said, it's been two weeks and it still hurts, it's still pretty much useless and still swollen (I haven't been able to put my wedding band back on yet). I figured it was dislocated and needed to see the doctor if I ever wanted use of that finger again. I was completely terrified while we waited. Just the thought of the doctor twisting my finger all around to pop it back into place nearly sent me into a full on panic attack. And to top it off my kids would see me yelp in pure pain. Then I thought the doctor would have to send them out, "This may traumatize your children...we'll need to send them out for this procedure." I mind just races (we waited for a while, so I had time for several scenarios).

The doctor finally came in, took a look at my finger, then sent me for an X-ray...ugh...cha-ching, cha-ching! So much for just paying the $20 copay. I felt pretty lame sitting there at this big, massive X-ray machine for my pettily little finger. Turns out, there's a crack in the bone near the top it's not dislocated after all. I need to wait it out and it will heal itself. What a rip! I think I would have rather it been least then I would have felt justified by going. Now, I just shoveled out a bunch of money just to be told I have a crack in the bone. Lovely.

So there you have it.

Oh, and about that offer on a house. Turns out, they aren't taking offers until next week and they bumped the price up...great. We'll still try for it, but are chances of actually getting it is pretty slim...bummer.


  1. Couldn't they at least tape it up for you or something so that you could feel like you walked away with some medical attention? Although, healing on its own is certainly better than some sort of huge cast in the summer!

  2. Actually they did tape it up. But I ended up taking it all off by the time I got to the was too irratating.

    Yeah...I'm so tough.

  3. Hey, I've seen more finger fractures than you can imagine in the last month. They all hurt, they usually get minimal treatment (splint at most usually) and otherwise there's not much we do for 'em.

    As for the X-ray, spendy I know, but a good idea to make sure nothing's really wrong with the joint (fracture AND dislocation for example). Plus it helps the doc know how to set your finger with buddy tape or a splint. Hope it is feeling better soon!

    I would recommend keeping the tape on with your kids around. Bumping it can hurt like mad and make the healing take longer...but I'm really conservative with my fracture management.
