Monday, August 16, 2010

Down to the Wire

I've been a wreck...this entire month has been extremely difficult for me. It's hard to do anything else but think about getting into this house we want so badly. We have put everything into it and this whole process is extremely arduous...we've come so far...and we're getting closer to the deadline. A lot needs to happen this week, and all I can do is wait, and hope that people are moving quickly for us. Our lender has assured us everything will be fine. But he said that three weeks ago too, and since then we've had numerous road blocks that we've had to jump over and every one of them has cost us a few days...a few days that we NEEDED, and lost. Now we're down to the wire...and everything comes down to this week. We thought the sellers may work with us on the deadline (23rd), and maybe move it back a couple of days. However, we found out that there is another party interested in the house that are willing to pay more than we are. So that option is out. The sellers are probably hoping we fail so they can get out of the contract and potentially make more off the house. I'm scared...I don't want to lose it.

My emotions have been completely out of control. My kids have seen me cry more this month than ever...I think they are surprised to see my "softer" side.

The other day Ryan and I were in the kitchen talking (I was crying at the time):

Haley: "Mommy, why does your face look like that?"

Me: "I was crying...I'm upset about the house."

I can see Haley thinking as she's sitting at the table. And then with a very serious look on her face she says: "Mommy, I've thought about it...and you can have my piggy bank."

Me: "Oh Haley, you are such a sweetheart, but a house costs much more than what's in you piggy bank."

Haley: "No mommy, there is like 1,000 moneys in's FULL!"

I think our children have been hearing us talk finances too much lately.

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