Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nothing yet...

It's Thursday morning...I have no news yet. However, the appraiser that appraised the new house came through for me. He was able to look at the house Tuesday, and got the appraisal back that was a relief! So yeah, I'm still waiting on the approval from the bank...I'm really bad at waiting...have I mentioned that? I'm completely stressed at all times...I'm ALWAYS thinking about the loan. Will it go through? Will they say "No, you can't refi and take out a new loan at the same time."? Will all this get done in time? I think I'm driving everyone bonkers...especially Ryan. I think I ask him a dozen times a day, "Do you think we'll get the house?"And I'm not sure what to do with myself everyday. Do I start getting things ready to move? Should I enroll Haley in her new school so she can be there on the first day? It may break her heart to start her here and then pull her out two weeks later. I talked to my realtor yesterday, and we can do the final walk through on the house tomorrow! That seems so official to me...I started to get excited...this is actually happening!! But then I just freak out again about the loan. This is so hard for me. I'm scared about what my life will be like if I lose the loan...lose the house. I'll be devastated, that's what...just devastated. I don't even want to think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Kelly. This house is meant to be yours... and if not, you know where the seller lives!
