Monday, August 9, 2010

Going through the motions.

I really haven't been in the mood to post anything lately. In fact, I just don't feel like myself these past couple of weeks. Truth is...I've become obsessed with this house I hope we move into. It's all I think about. I go about my days during the week...I had a great weekend with Ryan and the girls...but it's as if I'm just going through the motions...the house is always on my mind. I've been on edge too because of it. So often the girls will come up to me, "Mommy...mommy...mommy...mommy...mommy...mooooooommyyyyy..." only for me to lash back, "WHAT!!". And then I have to explain why their mother is completely zoned out, "Look, I just have a lot on my mind right now...okay?".

And of course, news travels fast around here. People are starting to ask when we're moving. And my reply is always the same, "Well, if all goes well with the loan, Sep. 9th." Then I feel the need to explain it further because if I leave it like that people will think we have financial issues...which we don't. Yes, things will be tight...but we're ready! It's just that we need to scramble to refinance this house as an investment property and get rid of the FHA loan on it. Then pull another loan on the new house. So...all this needs to be done by closing (Sep. 9th). And then I have this fear that some road block is going to pop up last minute. Basically, everything is left in the hands of my lender...and there is nothing I can do...except sit here and wait...and try not to go crazy.

I just don't want to lose that house. I've already spent two Summers looking at houses, and nothing has felt like home until this one. The thought of starting over and looking again devastates me. It just needs to work out.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! We were looking into the whole 2nd house + rental property and were told that it is very difficult to qualify. Hope it works for you! I'll have to ask for pointers-- we may look into it more closely if we don't sell by the end of August. Buying and selling houses is the most stressful thing EVER!!
