Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inspection and Appraisals

My parents arrived this week! Just in time...we had the home inspection yesterday and I really wanted my dad to be with that was nice. Everything looks great, other than a few minor repairs here and there. Eventually the roof will need some work, but for now it's fine. Both my parents loved the house! And walking around it again just made me fall more in love with it! I'm starting to decide what should go to set up the toy room...and my craft room (yes, I will get a spot for my paper crafts, sewing machine, and kid craft supplies...oh how glorious!!).

But then I stop myself...wait Kelly...wait until everything is a done deal before you get too excited. Too late. I'm excited.

Like I said before, we are refinancing this we needed to get an appraisal. Unfortunately, we have a number one flake working on it. He said it would be turned on's now Wednesday people...and no appraisal yet. I'm in a time crunch!!! I don't have time for people to sit around and pick their noses...get your job done Mr. Lame Appraisal Man, and turn it in when you say you're going to do it!! I said, I hate relying on others for something this important. I feel helpless.

In other news, Piper has her four month check up today. I can't believe it! Four months already, wow!

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