Friday, August 27, 2010

Starting School

This was a big week for two of my girls. Haley started First Grade and Morgan started Preschool! And me...well, my world has turned upside down. I enrolled Haley in her new school, which is on the other side of town, so between dropping her off and picking her up (not to mention the two days a week that I have to take Morgan to and from school) I feel as though I'm always driving somewhere. And my mornings have turned into complete craziness. Trying to get everyone ready...breakfast, dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, lunch made, and hopefully get Piper nursed before we get out the door (although sometimes she gets the big diss), is extremely challenging for me. And I'm trying really hard to do all that without having to raise my voice. I must have yelled, "CAN YOU PLEASE COOPERATE!!" a thousand times this week! Yes, it's complete craziness! Hopefully, it will be easier when I live closer to the schools!

Haley, ready to go!

Morgan at her school.
Ready to learn!

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