Sunday, August 29, 2010

Watch out for falling trees!

Last week we had a picnic dinner at the campsite my grandparents were staying at. They have a huge motor home/coach that they travel all around in...very plush! That's the way to travel my friends! Anyway, we were all hanging around the picnic tables eating when the wind started to pick up. But no problem...we were still enjoying the great outdoors while we ate our fried chicken. Then the wind started to really pick up! But it still didn't stop us...we held our ground. Finally, the wind started to blow crazy hard, to the point little branches we falling to the ground. Then, we saw a huge branch (maybe it was even a small tree) fall near the coach. Then we started to worry, and thought maybe it would be a good idea to move the party inside. All of sudden as we were trying to clean up the tables we heard the branch above us start cracking. Now, let me just add at this point that the tree we were under was a Globe Willow. Let me also add that we once had a Globe Willow in our front yard...that is until we woke up one morning to find half of it laying in the road. These trees are notorious for falling over in hard winds. So hearing one crack above us, yes, I was worried. Then at one point we thought a chuck was coming down and we (as in me...and maybe my mom) scream, people start grabbing children and find cover. Well, the tree didn't fall. But we all had a good laugh and headed inside the coach...because you never know, it still looked iffy. Did I mention it was really windy! No joke...campers were leaving their campsites because they thought they may get crushed by a tree in their sleep! So, the point to this story...Morgan has been traumatized ever since. She thinks that the slightest breeze will bring a whole tree down...on her. Yesterday, Haley was playing across the street with some friends...Morgan stood on the porch for a while scoping out the trees...decided that they were moving too much and came back in. She watched them through the window. Today, we were all out back playing...Morgan stood by the back window watching us. No matter how much we try to convince her that she is safe, she doesn't budge! She will not go outside! Ryan just took the dogs for a run with Haley on her bike. He tried his best to get Morgan to go too...wasn't happening. Now she's sitting in the middle of the living room playing Cootie herself...and every now and then when she hears the leaves on the trees rustle in the wind she glances up with a very concerned look on her face.

I hope she gets over this soon.

1 comment:

  1. We are going to get some action from Hurricane Earl Friday night... good thing Morgan's not here because she would be freaking out! They are predicting really strong winds and rain... and wait for it... downed trees. Hopefully, we'll sleep through most of it.
