Friday, September 3, 2010

Almost there...I hope.

I think I can see the light at the end of this very long and dark tunnel. I'm referring to the house we're trying to buy (in case you didn't know). Our closing date is September 9th. I think we're going to make it...if fact I think we may sign on the 8th...I hope, I hope, I hope. Every time our lender turns in our paper work, the banks comes bank with something else they want. It's as if they want to sabotage this loan..."What's one more thing we can throw at them to screw this up? Ah, how about some random tax document from two years ago? Or how about having them prove they have three children by supplying each child's Birth Certificate?". And I think we've given the bank about a million copies of our bank statements and current mortgage never ends! I've done more scanning of documents than I've ever done! I've been on the phone with my lender more than you can believe! I've had to do so many business type things...on the phone talking money with my lender, banks, etc. or on the computer downloading documents, scanning things, copying things, or just plain rummaging through my files (thank goodness I'm somewhat organized!)...I've done all these things with kids in tow. I'm tired...I'm tired of having an important phone call and trying my best to listen while trying to console a screaming baby, or having another child yell "Mommy, can you wipe me?!!" while I'm frantically writing important numbers in a tablet. I feel like I should be in a business suit when I'm doing all these things, not in sweats (complete with spit up), baby in one arm, phone wedged between my shoulder and ear, all while I wipe a child's bum.

Yes, it's's time I put this whole process behind me. I'm ready!

I don't want to be let down...I've been through too much.

Oh...and Morgan is still scared of trees.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing, Kelly! The finish line is in sight...
