Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Day in the Uintas

Last Saturday Ryan and I took the girls up in the Uintas for a day of sightseeing, a picnic, and hiking. Such a beautiful area! I've only just driven through (following a bunch a bike racers) so it was nice to really see it. It was a bit on the crowded side being Labor Day weekend and all...but not too bad. And the weather was perfect!

The hike around Mirror Lake was just right for the girls...we even took Piper in the stroller on this trail! We had to carry it over a few rocky areas, but the Zooper held up fabulously!

We also stopped to see the Provo Falls. Of course it didn't take long for the girls to get in the water.
The entire time Morgan (still being scared of trees falling on her) pointed out EVERY SINGLE fallen tree that she saw. And she constantly asked "Is it going to storm?!" every few minutes...any breeze she felt meant a storm was coming. Did I mention it was a beautiful day? Not a cloud in the sky! So this next picture cracks me up of Morgan...hood up (because you know, there was a slight breeze, gotta be prepared for that storm!)...and she's looking at some nearby trees that may fall on her. Poor child...hopefully we didn't traumatize her with this outing!

I thought I'd just add this one of Piper. She's fast asleep while holding on to her foot...she has to be ready to suck that toe at a moments notice...yes, even with a pacifier in her mouth!

Regarding the house...we have been given a time and a place to meet tomorrow...yes, to sign. I'm scared to really talk about it...I don't want to jinx anything...or I'm just in shock...more soon.

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