Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hanging on

The girls were outside playing the other day and when I went out to check on them I found this.

They found all this stuff, sleeping bags, chairs, play tent, in the garage (still waiting to be put away) and decided to go "camping" in the backyard. I thought it was pretty clever.

I'm desperate for normalcy around here! We have absolutely no routine yet. With the driving back and forth to our old house (sometimes twice a day) to take care of the dogs or show the house to potential renters, it's nearly impossible to get anything else done around here. I'm just hanging on. I had to put Haley in jeans today (it will be in the 90's) just to hide the dirt on her legs from yesterday...I wasn't able to get find any time for her to get in the shower. And when her hair is in a braid...that means it hasn't been washed and it has too many tangles to leave down. And then I use a little mom spit to wash the banana bread that she had for breakfast off her face before sending her on her way. Oh my...too sad. I have got to get with it! And my little Piper...she has to take most of her naps in the car...or not at all...which makes for a very cranky baby! And Morga-Muffin...well, she's cranky most of the time anyway...so we'd never know the difference with this lack of normalcy on her.
So anyway, it's a bit crazy around here. And to be honest I've been a little down lately. With the other house not rented yet...it's making me a bit uneasy. Plus, it's a little sad seeing the home sit empty...so many memories there. And my poor dogs...being cooped up everyday, it's just not good for that breed. Belle especially is very affectionate when we go see them...I think she misses us.
Well, one of these days I'll feel caught up...I hope. And maybe have a normal life again without all the running around...Ha.

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