Friday, September 24, 2010

Some House Pictures

I thought I'd add a few pictures of the house. I'm still trying to organize things and boxes still line some of the rooms (of course I moved them before snapping a picture).

I included a picture of the foyer because I've never had a foyer before, and I've always wanted one. Weird...maybe. But I love having it...although, give it time, and I'm sure shoes, bags, papers and what ever else will soon fill up the space. The door at the bottom of the stairs is a formal dining room (another room I'm really excited about having).
The formal living room.
My old furniture doesn't look so least I don't think so.

The massive garden.

I included a picture of the back door leading to the garage just because I like the way it looks. Something about how the grape vines drape around it...reminds me of a cottage door. I know, I'm weird.


  1. Yeah...a little bit of everything. Pear, apple, plum, peach, apricot...I think I need to learn how to can fruit!

  2. So CUTE! I am so excited for you guys (and a little jealous)! Good luck on finding renters. I am thinking about you.

  3. Pick up the canning stuff "Off Season" or at Deseret industries "Off Season"

    Canning is fun, and it's nice to know what is going into your food. With Jam you can control the amount of sugar in it. Also no HFCS... The Crack of Sugar. There is also nothing like jam with Ripe Fruit, instead of what the store sells.

    Awesome!!! looks like an Ideal House.

  4. A few years ago I made peach was so good! So I'm excited about trying it again. Hey...this may be my new calling.

  5. The other thought I had. Seriously, Just ask people. They think they are going to get into Canning, and it ends up being hard work, and they quit. Or the first one doesn't set up and they just give up. Let all the equipment sit idol. Just ask people "you don't have canning stuff you don't use do you?" I bet people will just give it all to you. Tell them, if they decide to try it again, you would be happy to return it. The Hot bath Canner is the big deal... and it's only $30-$50 Then the Jars.. but you will always need jars. The only "Tool" you actually need is the Thing that removes the hot Jars from the bath. It's like $5.
