Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Oh my...I'm ready for this transition phase to be over. This has been a very trying week for me...and it's not even half way over yet. So much to do! And without Ryan this week it makes for very slow going. Luckily my brothers have helped take a few loads of stuff from the old house to the new...yes, I am STILL moving things, it never ends!! Mostly everything is out of the house, it's the garage that's a pain. But we're making progress. I finally got the girls' bunk bed set up, and Piper's crib...Hallelujah! Thanks to Jeff for his man power. The girls had been sleeping on their mattresses all week and Piper was in her Pack 'n Play.

So anyway...progress...slowly, but surely. I have a lot more, but I'm spent.

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