Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quick Update

I'm in our new home, and I'm loving it!! I still can't believe that it's ours! We're still trying to get settled, there is so much to do! Not only unpacking and finding places for everything in the new house, but I'm still getting the other house cleaned out and ready to be rented. And Ryan left today for Interbike for a week...I know, talk about bad timing! So I have a lot on my plate right now. A lot of back and forth driving from house to house. Plus, our dogs are still at the old house, we have to get a fence up before we can bring them home. But the location of this house is so wonderful...I can walk Haley to school and I can even walk to a little about Euro! I have to learn about gardening quick as we have the hugest garden and about a gazillion fruit trees on our property. Seriously, we have about four pear trees, two plum, two peach, four apple, one apricot, two massive grape vines, raspberries, blackberries and currently in the garden we have two rows of corn, watermelon, squash, tomatoes...and I'm sure I'm missing of ton of other things growing around. I kid you's an adventure in our backyard, I'm finding new things all the time! The girls like the berry bushes the best...their hands are permanently stained red...not to mention the berry stains that I have to constantly clean from their clothes! So anyway, I need to start learning how to maintain it all quickly!

I'll hopefully have pictures up soon!


  1. Miss you already!! Just get everything done before I come home, okay?? Thanks!!

  2. I really like hearing "new home stories" in a blog post. I'm glad that the location of your new home is favorable to your family. Just like you, we had also one of the best Jacksonville new homes this time. The house is settled near my husband's workplace. There's also a good school near the area for my kids. We're so grateful with the home builders Jacksonville, FL area for building and selling such a huge, beautiful and accessible home.
