Saturday, October 9, 2010

6 Months

Piper is 6 months today!

I know I always say this...well, all moms do...but my does time just fly by! I can't believe it's already been six months! I take her in next week for her check-up so I don't have any stats on her yet. But I can say she is a rolling machine! She also loves watching her big sisters...she just thinks they are the greatest. She also loves to make sure she is heard as she can be quite fussy, especially in the late afternoons. Although, that may be partially my fault since her nap schedule is still a bit out of whack (we're working on it).

It won't be long and she'll be running around all over the I'm holding baby won't be a baby forever. *sniff, sniff*

The other week Ryan tackled the tandem and the trailer together! I was very impressed! Especially since he has to climb a bit of a hill to get back to our house no matter what direction he takes...I hope Haley is doing her share back there! It made for a very relaxing afternoon for me since Piper napped the whole time they were gone...thank you Piper.

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