Monday, October 4, 2010

A Weight Lifted

Ahhh...I can breathe a little sigh of relief today as we finally got a renter for the house. She signed the contract today and will be moving in mid-month. Now I have to get on it and finish a few things in the house, such as finishing that trim I started painting...hmmm, about a year ago! And the back bedroom needs to be and yellow on the walls doesn't work so well for a sewing room. So anyway, better get busy!

So today on our way to the old house (to meet the new renter) we got caught in a HUGE down pour, complete with lighting and thunder. We happened to be in the Wrangler and the back window was rolled up at the time. Morgan and Piper were in the backseat and got quite wet. Morgan could kind of lean forward to get out of it...but poor Piper, she just got nailed. So I pulled over, jumped out and pulled the window down...I got SOAKED! But better me than little Piper though. She survived...I'm sure she was pretty confused from the whole thing. One minute she playing with her little rattle minding her own business and the next she's being sprayed in the face. Poor little thing.

Then on the way home (the rain had finally stopped) we drove past a very large tree that had fallen over. Snapped right in half! It was big too!! I pointed to it (not that you could miss it) to the girls, "Look at that tree that fell from the storm!". Then I remembered Morgan's fear of falling trees!!! I didn't say another word...I just kinda hoped she didn't hear me. I glanced at her in the rear view mirror...her eyes were as wide as saucers...uh-oh.

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