Friday, October 1, 2010

Is Ryan Home Yet?'s one of those afternoons that nothing goes right.

Let's see, Piper will not nap this afternoon...I'm either listening to a screaming baby in her crib or I'm walking around the house with her cradled in my arm (not screaming, but she's not sleeping either). Or I'm nursing her thinking she'll fall asleep and then I can gently lay her down...ha, that didn't work. So, I've decided to deal with the screaming baby in her crib, at least my hands are free.

Morgan is a MAJOR crankola! Everything is upsetting for her today. "MOM! I need a toy in the basement!" Me: "Then go get it." "I CAN'T!!! You need to go with me!!". I've been saying "no" to her request because I think it's high time that she go by herself...I will not drop everything I'm doing to escort her down to the basement! (which by the way, it's NOT a scary basement) So, I answer "no" which then results in a full temper tantrum. This happens several times a day. So that, as well as every other little thing setting her off...she's been spending a lot of today throwing herself to the floor, screaming.

Then Haley, my little busy girl. I tell ya, she does NOT sit still EVER. Always doing something, always creating something, always getting into something. She was playing outside and then would come in the house grab a plastic grocery bag, and then run back outside. Then she came in and grabbed a arm full of stuffed animals, and ran back out. Next, she grabbed some paper. A few boxes were next (left over from the move). Then she came racing in to get some tape. Back and forth, back and forth. I have no idea what she was doing...and to be honest, I don't really want to know. When she fianlly came in (luckily only in the laundry room) with mud up to her ankles I had enough! No more!!! And stop taking things outside!!!!

I've had it. With Piper's screaming, Morgan's temper tantrums and Haley's little busy self...I decided to put on a movie for them. I need these kids to sit, don't move, and be quiet! Yes, because mommy needs a break!! I need to hear myself think! And I have to start on dinner. So there you have it...Friday sitting and not moving. I may have a little of my sanity back before Ryan walks in the door.

The good news...I think Piper finally fell asleep!

Now, off to start dinner before the girls' movie ends.

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