Thursday, October 28, 2010

Almost there!

The fence is coming together quickly now! My dad has been working everyday...that is, as long as the weather permits. Unfortunately, the weather was pretty crummy all weekend so we lost a couple of days there. And this week we got our first Valley snow...I know, much too early in my eyes. It started snowing in the evening and then we woke up to a Winter Wonderland. Of course the girls were super, not so much.

So anyway, the's looking good!

One side completed...except for the gate.
Now the other side of the yard.
Big difference from last week...nobody is shirtless this time.
Sorry ladies.

Today my dad finished the gate on one all that's left is one more gate! Yay! Have I mentioned how grateful I am that my family is here! Well, I am.

1 comment:

  1. I did do some work on it too, just so everyone knows. I gotta work, people.
